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MatrixScrollView.m -- single column selection matrix within a scroll view
Copyright (c) 1990 Doug Brenner
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA, or send
electronic mail to the the author.
Implementation for the MatrixScrollView class. MatrixScrollView is similar
to the ScrollView available in Interface Builder (IB), except it contains a
matrix of selection cells, not a text object.
The matrix is specifically designed to hold one row and to resize itself so
the matrix always fills the clip view. (See AutoWidthMatrix for more details
about the matrix.)
MatrixScrollView is rather single-minded in its behavior because I use it as
a Custom View in Interface Builder. (Until custom views are supported in
Interface Builder there seems little other choice.)
Doug Brenner <dbrenner@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu>
#import "MatrixScrollView.h"
#import "AutoWidthMatrix.h"
#import <appkit/SelectionCell.h>
#include <string.h>
@implementation MatrixScrollView
+ newFrame:(const NXRect *) frameRect
/* ScrollView instance variables used:
id contentView */
NXRect matrixFrame = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
id matrix;
/* ---------- create the scroll view */
self = [super newFrame:frameRect];
[self setBorderType:NX_BEZEL];
[self setVertScrollerRequired:YES];
/* The matrix may not be as large as the ClipView; a light gray background
makes the transition from Matrix to ScrollView less apparent. */
[self setBackgroundGray:NX_LTGRAY];
/* Make sure resize messages (superviewSizeChanged:) are passed down the
view chain so things will update correctly. */
[self setAutoresizeSubviews:YES];
[contentView setAutoresizeSubviews:YES];
/* ---------- create the matrix managed by the scroll and clip views */
[self getContentSize:&(matrixFrame.size)];
matrix = [AutoWidthMatrix newFrame:&matrixFrame mode:NX_RADIOMODE
cellClass:[SelectionCell class] numRows:0 numCols:0];
[matrix setAutoscroll:YES];
/* Setting the matrix background to light gray hides the intercell gaps. */
[matrix setBackgroundGray:NX_LTGRAY];
/* Attach the matrix to the scroll and clip views and size to superview. */
[[self setDocView:matrix] free];
[matrix sizeToSuperviewWidth];
return self;
- setTarget:theTarget action:(SEL) theAction
id matrix = [self docView];
if ([matrix isKindOf:[Matrix class]] == NO)
return self;
[[matrix setTarget:theTarget] setAction:theAction];
return self;
- removeSelectedName
id matrix = [self docView];
if (! ([matrix isKindOf:[Matrix class]] == YES && [matrix selectedCell]))
return self;
[matrix removeRowAt:[matrix selectedRow] andFree:YES];
[matrix sizeToSuperviewWidth];
[matrix display];
return self;
- (const char *) selectedName
id matrix = [self docView];
if ([matrix isKindOf:[Matrix class]] == NO) return NULL;
return [[matrix selectedCell] stringValue];
- insertName:(const char *) name alphaOrder:(BOOL) aFlag select:(BOOL) sFlag
int matrixRows, matrixCols;
id matrix = [self docView];
if (! (name && [matrix isKindOf:[Matrix class]] == YES))
return self;
[matrix addRow];
[matrix getNumRows:&matrixRows numCols:&matrixCols];
[[matrix cellAt:matrixRows-1:matrixCols-1] setStringValue:name];
if (sFlag == YES)
[matrix selectCellAt:matrixRows-1 :matrixCols-1];
[matrix sizeToSuperviewWidth];
[matrix display];
return self;
- replaceSelectedNameWith:(const char *) newName
id matrix = [self docView];
if (! (newName && [matrix isKindOf:[Matrix class]] == YES
&& [matrix selectedCell]))
return self;
[[matrix selectedCell] setStringValue:newName];
[[matrix selectedCell] setLeaf:NO];
[matrix display];
return self;
- selectName:(const char *) name
int matrixRow, matrixCol;
const char *cellName;
id matrix = [self docView];
if (! (name && [matrix isKindOf:[Matrix class]] == YES))
return self;
[matrix getNumRows:&matrixRow numCols:&matrixCol];
for (matrixRow--; matrixRow >= 0; matrixRow--) {
cellName = [[matrix cellAt:matrixRow :0] stringValue];
if (cellName && strcmp (cellName, name) == 0) {
[matrix selectCellAt:matrixRow :0];
return self;
- selectRow:(int) row
if ([[self docView] isKindOf:[Matrix class]] == NO)
return self;
return [[self docView] selectCellAt:row :0];
- (int) selectedRow
if ([[self docView] isKindOf:[Matrix class]] == NO)
return -1;
return [[self docView] selectedRow];
- free
[[self docView] free];
[super free];
return self;